A place for healthcare & mental health professionals, guides, and coaches to learn how to bring creativity, soul, and durability to their psychedelic preparation and integration work. We offer continuing education with a community of like-minded souls.
A place for healthcare & mental health professionals, guides, and coaches to learn how to bring creativity, soul, and durability to their psychedelic preparation and integration work. We offer continuing education with a community of like-minded souls.
Learning Together
Maybe you know the basics of preparation and integration – setting an intention, encouraging your clients to spend time in nature, journal, and meditate. But preparation and integration can be so much deeper. We are just beginning to learn what the practice really means and how to do it well.
Many of us in the larger community of psychedelic guides, therapists and coaches are longing to meet more of their peers. Additionally, above-ground medical professionals and underground practitioners have a lot to learn from each other. Let’s gather, talk, learn, eat, and move together!
Watch The Video:
Harvest Integration is the Heartchild of Alexander Warnow.
I’m a licensed psychotherapist, guide, event producer, recovering DJ and aspiring writer. I saw a need for an organization where we could come together as a community to learn from each other. I occasionally help friends out with their gardens.
Our Integration Summits in Berkeley, California in 2023 and 2024 were a big success. We now have a variety of other offerings to to further your professional development. Our facilitators make the work engaging and accessible. Join us.
Get In Touch:
info at harvestintegration dot com